Abdullah the Butcher
Joe Acton
Adrian Adonis
Captain Lou Albano
James Alldredge
Tom Alley
Joe Alvarez
Americus (Gus Schoenlein)
Arn Anderson
Gene Anderson
Ole Anderson
Andre the Giant
Kurt Angle
Spiros Arion
Bob Armstrong
Brad Armstrong
Bert Assirati
Fred Atkins
Tony Atlas
Steve Austin
Awesome Kong (Kharma)
Mike Awesome
Ali Baba
Shohei "Giant" Baba
Bob Backlund
Bam Bam Bigelow
Johnny Barend
Red Bastien
George Becker
Fred Beell
Chris Benoit
"Wild" Red Berry
Big Bossman
Big Show
Joe Blanchard
Tully Blanchard
Fred Blassie
Lord James Blears
The Blue Demon
Nick Bockwinkel
Warren Bockwinkel
Paul Boesch
George Bollas
Booker T
George Bothner
Bobo Brazil
Jack Brisco
Albion A. Britt
Jack Britton
Orville Brown
Bruiser Brody
Bobby Bruns
Marvin Buckwalter
Buff Bagwell
Mildred Burke
June Byers
Earl Caddock
Chris Candido
Cannonball Grange
Howard Cantonwine
Primo Carnera
Edouard Carpentier
Steve Casey
John Cena
Jack Claybourne
"Big Train" Ray Clements
CM Punk
Joe Cox
Charles Cutler
Cyclone Anaya
Dick Daviscourt
Henri DeGlane
William Demetral
The Destroyer
Dean Detton
Mike DiBiase
Ted DiBiase
Dick the Bruiser
Shane Douglas
Gene Dubuque
Jim Duggan
Roy Dunn
Emil Dusek
Ernie Dusek
Joe Dusek
Rudy Dusek
The Dynamite Kid
Chief Don Eagle
Fred Ebert
Henry H. Egeberg
Clarence Eklund
"Cowboy" Bob Ellis
Ronnie Etchison
Alan Eustace
John Evko
Fabulous Moolah
Farmer Burns
Charles "Midget" Fischer
Ric Flair
Mick Foley
Dory Funk Jr.
Dory Funk Sr.
Terry Funk
Professional Wrestlers - Last Names A through F