Born:  December 7, 1891, Near Wakefield, KS
Height:  6’2-6’3’’
Weight:  215-240
Real Name:  Allen Lewellyn Eustace (Alan/Allan)
Hometown:  Wakefield, Kansas, Wichita, Kansas
Amateur Titles:  Kansas State Title (18 years old)
Name Spelling : Allen Eustice
Managed by:  Tex Dowd (-1917-) (Chicago promoter)
Career Span:  -1914-’39-
Died:  May 1972

Eustace claimed to be the Kansas State Heavyweight champion for 25 years, winning the
championship from A.A. Britt of Lurey.  He also claimed the World Heavyweight Title after
champion Dick Shikat failed to show up for their scheduled match in Columbus.

He reportedly wrestled in every state and went to Australia with John Pesek in 1929.  
Claimed that driving was harder than the wrestling.
Alan Eustace Wrestling History