NWA Member:  Cliff Maupin

Admitted to Organization:  September 1951
Toledo Office:  544 South Westwood
Phone Number:  Walbridge 4453
Corporation Name:  Terminal Athletic Club (1947-)
Matchmaker:  Gil LaCross

Toledo was the booking office for Indiana cities Muncie and Fort Wayne.

On January 28, 1960, Maupin sold his wrestling promotion to Akron's Walter Moore, ending his
lengthy run as the local promoter.  Moore planned to run shows at the Civic Auditorium with Paul
Orth as his leading referee and official.  Maupin was no longer a member of the National Wrestling
Alliance, and the new promoter would not assume his role as a booker for the NWA.

Research by Tim Hornbaker
January 1, 2011
Toledo Booking Office