On January 25, 1923, Farmer Peters beat Jack Ross in Tampa, winning "two quick
falls." Peters was from the Tampa area.  A few weeks later, Peters was defeated by
Joe Naser of Miami.  They were middleweights.

The Miami Herald on Wednesday, August 15, 1934 reported that Babe Caddock was
"recognized as the Florida Heavyweight champion last week by the Tampa
Boxing-Wrestling Commission." Also that Caddock "defeated Hans Stronberg, husky
German, to earn the Tampa recognition.  He is popular throughout the state and his
clean cut methods despite the rough tactics of his opponents have won him a large

NWA Member:  C.P. "Cowboy" Luttrall

Admitted to Organization:  September 1950
Tampa Office:  118 W. Lafayette Ave. (1955)
Tampa Office:  204 Thomas Jefferson Hotel (1961)
Phone Number:  2-2132, 2-3171 (1955)

Research by Tim Hornbaker
Tampa Wrestling Territory