One of the most notable wrestlers from Utah was Ira Dern. Around early April 1911, promoter Harry W. Heagren was working to try to sign a match between World Heavyweight Champion Frank Gotch and George Hackenschmidt for Salt Lake City, which would be held around Labor day. Heagren was offering $30,000 for the match. On Saturday, April 1, 1911, he took Gotch and his manager Emil Klank around town in the hopes that it would further the negotiations. The affair would take place at the Saltair Hippodrome, and seating would be arranged for upwards of 12,000 people. Heagren said that an investment of about $6-8,000 would be needed to prepare the facility, while such preparations would be exorbitantly more in Chicago. Also, he claimed, that more fans would be able to see the match in Salt Lake City than in the "Windy City." Heagren's attempts were in vain. Where Gotch agreed to wrestle in Salt Lake, Hackenschmidt wasn't going to appear anywhere but Chicago despite Heagren's offer of $30,000 - $10,000 more than any other proposal on the table. On April 5, he talked with Klank and got the word that the big match wasn't going to happen in his neck of the woods. Klank stated that Zbyszko would not draw in Salt Lake for Labor day "because Roller beat him," and then told him to consider a Mike Yokel-Fred Beell match-up. Instead, Heagren was thinking about Yokel vs. Gehring for the middleweight title on Decoration day. George Nelson (Jorgen Nelson) was born on August 29, 1890 in Larvik, Norway, and lived in Preston, Idaho. Around 1916, Nelson claimed the Intermountain Heavyweight wrestling championship. He served as the Director of Athletics at Oneida State Academy in Preston, and later worked as a coach at Utah State University. Nelson was also a Salt Lake City firefighter, and a convert to the Mormon religion. Nelson died on August 7, 1970 in Logan, Utah. On January 4, 1935, Ogden, Utah Mayor Harman W. Peery invited World Heavyweight champion Jim Londos to meet boxing world champion Max Baer in a mixed match during the Pioneer Days' Celebration between July 20-24. The June 26, 1944 edition of the Des Moines Register, in a column (Sittin' In) by Sec Taylor, talked about a former sports editor at the Daily Iowan in Iowa City and resident of Waterloo named John Mooney. Mooney reportedly relocated to Salt Lake City, where he worked as a sports editor, and covered a recent wrestling show featuring ex-boxer Tony Galento in Price, Utah. Reportedly, Galento was on hand to referee the main event, but Jack Kogut's opponent failed to show, and Mooney rose to the occasion, abandoning his journalistic duties to become apart of the program. The Mooney-Kogut bout went forward, but was halted when Kogut's heel tactics drew Galento's ire and resulting fists. Mooney then took the win when Galento punched Kogut out. The Ogden Standard-Examiner reported on February 22, 1949 that Jack Washburn was taking over the local wrestling promotion, starting on March 2. He had previously held shows in Ogden in 1937 and '38, and was known for managing World Heavyweight champion Dean Detton. Washburn was also a wrestler, having learned from Earl Caddock, and served in World War I. Research by Tim Hornbaker |
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