Order Books by Author Tim Hornbaker
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Death of the Territories:
Expansion, Betrayal and the
War that Changed Pro Wrestling
Forever (2018, Paperback,
Kindle, Audio Book)
National Wrestling Alliance: The
Untold Story of the Monopoly
that Strangled Pro Wrestling
(2007, Paperback, Kindle)
Capitol Revolution: The Rise of
the McMahon Wrestling Empire
(2015, Paperback, Kindle)
Legends of Pro Wrestling:
150 Years of Headlocks, Body
Slams and Piledrivers -
Foreword by Jimmy Snuka
(2012, Paperback, Kindle)
War on the Basepaths: The
Definitive Biography of Ty Cobb
(2015, Hardcover, Paperback,
Kindle, Audio Book)
Fall from Grace: The Truth and
Tragedy of "Shoeless Joe"
Jackson (2016, Hardcover,
Paperback, Kindle, Audio Book)
Legends of Pro Wrestling:
150 Years of Headlocks, Body
Slams and Piledrivers (2017,
Paperback, Kindle)
Turning the Black Sox White:
The Misunderstood Legacy of
Charles A. Comiskey (2014,
Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle,
Audio Book)