Wrestler: Nickname: Abbate, Angelo Italian Wild Man, The Professor, Italian Bulldog Abbey, Joe Killer Abbott, Tank DJ Tank Abdullah the Butcher Sudanese Madman, Madman from the Sudan Ackers, Jimmy Handsome Acton, Joe Little Demon Adams, Chris Gentleman Adams, George Smoky Adonis, Adrian Adorable Akeem The African Dream Akiyama, Jun Blue Thunder Albano, Captain Lou The Guiding Light, The Greatest Manager of the Century Albright, Gary Air Albright Allen, Donn E. Devious Allen, Rich Superstar Allen, Terry Tenacious Allen, Walter Wolf Man Alfonso, Bill Fonzie Anderson, Arn The Enforcer, Double A Anderson, Bill Big Anderson, Lars Luscious Anderson, Paul The World’s Strongest Man Anderson, Randy Pee Wee Andre the Giant The Battle Royal King, Eighth Wonder of the World Andrews, Scoot Black Nature Boy Anthony, Stud South Beach Anthony, Tony Dirty White Boy Antone, Jean Gidget, Little Miss Dynamite Apollo, Vittorio Argentina Archer, Silas The Colored Strangler Arena, George Gorgeous George Armstrong, Brad Candyman Armstrong, Bob Bullet Armstrong, Jack Wildman Armstrong, Jesse Jesse James, Road Dogg Arquette, David Mr. Cox Ash, Marc Mean Atkins, Fred Hard Rock From Down Under Atlas, Tony Mr. USA Austin, Buddy Killer Austin, Steve Stunning, Ring Master, Stone Cold, Texas Rattlesnake Awesome, Mike Mullet Baba, Shohei Giant, Baba the Giant Baby Doll Perfect Ten Bagwell, Marcus Buff, Buff the Stuff, Buff Daddy Baillargeon, Antonio Mr. Europe Baldwin, Sammy Bobo Bamidele, Mike The African Tiger Banner, Penny Wow Girl Barend, Johnny Handsome Baronowski, Joe Rocky Bass, Ron Outlaw Bastien, Red The Flying Redhead Becker, George German Bomber Becker, Pete Terrible Texan Beefcake, Brutus The Barber Belkas, Chris The Golden Greek Bell, Kay Sampson Bell, Mike Mad Dog Benoit, Chris The Crippler, The Canadian Crippler Berg, Sammy Jr. Mr. Canada Bernard, Barney The Chest Bernard, Jim Brute Berry, Ralph Wild, Red Bertolini, Bert Waxie Bey, Ali Scourge of the Balkans, Turkish Terror Billy Jack The People’s Choice Bischoff, Eric E-Z-E Bishop, Brandon Physical Fascination Blackman, Steve Lethal Weapon Blackstock, Marshall Dynamite Blackwell, Jerry Crusher Blanchard, Joe Jolting Joe Blanchard, Tully The Kid Blassie, Freddie Sailor, Butcher Boy, Classie, Ayatollah, Fashion Plate of Wrestling Blood, Jimmy Crazy Bigelow, Bam Bam The Beast From The East Black, Billy Bad Boy Black, Terrance Navy Seal Blackwell, Jerry Sheik Blade, Mike Maniac Blaze, Sonny Broadway Bloom, Wayne The Train Bobby B Crazy Bockwinkel, Nick Lean, Mean Machine Boesch, Paul Mr. TV Announcer Bollas, George Stonewall Bollea, Terry The Hulk Borne, Tony Tough Boyette, Mike California Hippie Bravo, Dino The World’s Strongest Man, Canada’s Strongest Man Breeding, Anthony The Shocker Brooks, Bill Wild Brower, Dick Bulldog, Delaware Destroyer Brown, Bob Bulldog Brown, Bobo Downtown, Prince of Motown, Uptown Swinger Brown, D-Lo Uptown Brown, Eddie Nitestic Brown, Leroy Bad Brown, James Bingo Brown, Jimmy Harlem Bruce, Frank Fireman Bruiser Brody King Kong Bruns, Robert Bruiser Brunswick, Nick The Sportsman Brunzell, Jim Jumping Bull, Terry Terrible Bulldog Brower The One-Man Riot-Squad Burke, Samson Hercules Burke, Mildred Millie the Mauler, Wrestling Queen Busick, Nick Big Bully Busick, Powerhouse, Jumping Byers, June Titan Thunderbolt Caddock, Babe Man of 1,000 Holds, Mystery Hold Cage, Christian Canadian Rage Callender, Roy Mr. Universe Callous, Mark Mean Cameron, Larry The Butcher, Lethal Campbell, Joe Lightning Candido, Chris Suicide Blond, Hard Knox, No Gimmicks Needed Candy, Ray Candyman Cannon, George Crybaby Canterbury, Mark Mean Capri, Vic Ice Pick Carlin, Johnny Swede Carlson, Orville Cowboy Carnera, Primo Da Preem Carpentier, Edouard The Flying Frenchman, Carp Carson, Bill Man Mountain Casey, Ann Leopard Girl, Panther Girl Casey, Jim Thunderbolt Casey, Steve Crusher Chavis, Chris War Eagle Chene, Larry Leaping Chilly Willy Mr. Homeboy Chono, Masa Mr. August Christie, Joe Killer Chyna Ninth Wonder of the World, Amazon Clancy, Mike Lower the Boom Clancy, The Mighty Titan, Irish, Iron Clayton, Max Squire Coachman, Jonathan Coach Cody, Bill Wild Coffman, Juanita Amazon Queen Coleman, Abe Little Giant Coleman, Dave The Surgeon Collins, Bill Wild Colombo, Rocco The Bronx Beast Conacher, Lionel Big Train Condrey, Dennis Loverboy Conill, Aguila The Eagle Contos, Nick The Yankee Clipper Cordova, Polo The Spanish Strongman Corino, Steve Old School Cortez, Ricky Crusher Cortez, Rita The Mexican Spitfire Cortolano, Mickey Mighty Mickey Cosenza, Tony Flushing Flash Cox, Ted King Kong Coyle, Al Wildcat Crabtree, Shirley Big Daddy Creatchman, Eddie The Brain Curry, Bull Wild Curry, Fred Flyin, Bull, Wild Curry, Jack Bonecrusher, The Bull Cusic, Jackie Irish Cutler, Charles Kid Cyborg Indestructible Cyrus The Virus Dangerously, Paul E. Psycho Yuppie Daniels, Christopher Fallen Angel Darnell, Billy Gorgeous Billy Daro, Lou Carnation Davis, Danny Dangerous Davis, Ellis Dizzy Davis, Sterling Dizzy Davis Davis, William Wee Willie Dean, Ian Doc DeCero, Sam The Don of Pro Wrestling Del Ray, Jimmy Gigolo Dempsey, Jack Manassa Mauler Denton, Danny Dirty DeNucci, Vito Big, Vivacious Dern, Wally Mr. Americus Destroyer, The The Intelligent, Sensational Destroyer Diamond Dave Smilin’ Diamond, Lance Superstar DiBiase, Mike Iron DiBiase, Ted Million Dollar Man, The Money Man Dick the Bruiser Wrestling’s Most Dangerous Man, World’s Toughest Guy Diesel Big Daddy Cool Dillon, Jack Tennessee Hillbilly DiSalvo, Steve Strangler Disco Inferno, The Manager of Champions Dixon, Dory Calypso Kid Donovan, Doug Iron Jaw Donovan, Jack Dandy Jack Douglas, Jimmy Hurricane Douglas, Shane The Franchise Doyle, Mickey Irish Drake, D.C. Mad Dog Drake, George Catalina Drapp, Andre The Lion of France Droese, Duke The Dumpster DuBois, Mike The Judge, The Justice Dub, Tom The Scrub Dudley, Dick Big Dugan, Johnny Red Shoes Duggan, Jim Hacksaw Duke, Josh Tears Duncum, Bobby Sr. Big Bad Dundee, Bill Superstar Durant, Robert Mr. Paris Dusek, Danny Dirty, Riot Squad, The Omaha Bearcat Dynamite D Mr. 80s Eakin, George Red Eaton, Bobby The People’s Champion, Beautiful Eckert, Ray Missouri Terror Edwards, Dale Crybaby Elizabeth First Lady of the WWF, First Lady of Wrestling Ellering, Paul Precious Ellis, Bob Cowboy Etchison, Ronnie The Wonder Boy Evans, Billy Texas Tornado Evans, Chris The Edge Evans, Dan Dapper Evans, Ray Ravishing Falco, Johnny Dapper Fargo, Danny Fabulous Fargo, Freddie Flamboyant Fargo, Jack Wildman Fargo, Sonny Rough House Feldman, Bennie Crusher Fernandez, Manny Ragin’ Bull Ferrara, Ed Hip Hop Finkel, Howard The Fink Finkelstein, Harry Boston Bad Boy Finlay, Dave Fit Fischer, Charles Midget, Little Giant Fives, Billy Fabulous Flair, Ric Nature Boy, Slick Ric Flynn, Jerry Lightning Foot Foley, Mick Hardcore Legend Fontaine, Vito Two Fingers Ford, Sam Rocky Fox, Ian Mr. Ego Trip Fox, Rory Rapid Delivery Fraley, Pat Cowboy Francine Queen of Extreme Frantz, Jardi Fly Daddy Frazier, Stan Plowboy Fujinami, Tatsumi The Dragon Funk, Terry Hardcore Legend, The Funker Furness, Carl Doc Gadaski, George Scrap Iron Galento, Al Spider Galento, Tony Two Ton Gantner, Ed The Bull Gardini, Benito Little Flower Garvin, Jim Gorgeous, Jam Geigel, Bob Texas Geohagen, Dr. Timothy Irish Hercules Geohegan, James G. Golden Boy George, Ed Don Wolverine Express George, Mike Timekeeper Gibbs, Billy California Kid Gibson, Jimmy Playboy Gilbert, Doug Gashouse Gilbert, Eddie Hot Shot, King Edward Gilbert, Tommy Southern Gentleman Gob, Steve Bayonne Bombshell Godfrey, George Black Shadow of Leiperville Goldberg, Bill Millenium Man Gold, Terri Miss Fitness Gomez, Joe Desperado Gomez, Joe Thunderheart Gonzales, Pete Speedy Goodish, Frank The Hammer Gordon, Johnny Flash Gordy, Terry Bam Bam, Human Torpedo Gorgeous George Toast of the Coast Gossett, Ronnie P. Jr. Porky Gotch, Karl Kirk Douglas of the Mat Gouldie, Archie Stomper Govro, Whity Swede Grable, Judy Barefoot Contessa Graham, Billy Superstar Graham, Bobby Hercules Graham, Frank Tex Graham, Luke Crazy Graham, Troy Bruiser Grandovich, John Russian Lion Grand Wizard, The Manager of Champions Great Muta, The Pearl of the Orient Green, Al The Dog Greene, Kevin Mean Grim, Lucifer Crimson Idol Grondy, Dan Diamond Grooms, Curtis Jack of Spades Guerrero, Eddy Latino Heat Guerrero, Gory Mr. It, Storm Bird Gunn, Billy The Hammer, Mr. Ass Gunn, Terry Irish Gypsy Joe The Globetrotter Hackenschmidt, George The Russian Lion, Worlds Strongest Man Hady, Jim Gentleman Hall, Scott Magnum, Outsider Hamilton, Larry Rocky Hamilton, Joe Assassin Hampton, Tim Trader Hansen, Stan The Lariat, The Badman from Borger Harbin, Charles Hard Rock Hardaway, Dexter Hardtimes Harmon, Bobby Beautiful Harris, Don Heavy D Harris, George Two Ton Harris, Ron Big Ron Hart, Bret The Hitman, Excellence of Execution, Best There Is, Best There Was, Best There Ever Will Be Hart, Hugh Bad Hart, Jack The Stretcher Hart, Jimmy Colonel, The Mouth of the South Hart, Owen The Rocket, The King of Harts Hattori, Masao Tiger Hawk, Rip The Profile, The Hawk, Golden Adonis Hayes, Michael P.S. (Purely Sexy) Heath, John Coach Heenan, Bobby Pretty Boy, The Brain Helmsly, Hunter Hearst Triple H, The Game, Cerebral Assassin Helms, Shane The Show, Serial Thriller, Sugar, Hurricane Hennig, Curt Mr. Perfect, The Perfect One Hennig, Larry Pretty Boy, The Axe Henning, Lee Bulldog Henry, Jim The Goon Herman, Adolph Don’t Call Me Hitler Hermann, Hans The Wrestling Engineer Hernandez, Gino Gorgeous Hogan, Ed Dizzy Hogan, Hulk The Hulkster, Immortal, Hollywood Holliday, Jim Gentleman Holly, Bob Sparky Plugg, Hardcore Holly, Crash Houdini of Hardcore Holtin, Brad Joltin Honky Tonk Man, The The Greatest Intercontinental Champion of All-Time Horner, Tim White Lightning Horowitz, Barry Mr. Technical Hurst, Lenny The Jamaica Kid Hutchison, Ron Wonderboy Hutton, Dick Oklahoma Iaukea, Prince Curtis Hawaiian Hurricane, The Bull Idol, Austin Universal Heartthrob Jacobs, Harry Babe Jaggers, Bobby Hangman James, Jesse Double J Jaris, Frank Furious Jarrett, Jeff Double J, The Chosen One Jason Sexist Man in the World Jay, Kenny Sodbuster Jenkins, Tom Ham Jericho, Chris Lionheart, Y2J, Living Legend Johnson, Danny Bullwhip Johnson, Rocky Soulman Jonathan, Don Leo Sonny Jonckowski, Dick Joncker Jones, Marvin Bearcat, Wildcat Jones, Paul Number One Jones, Rufus R. Freight Train, Pork Chop Man Jones, S.D. Special Delivery Jones, Tony Shooter Kama Supreme Fighting Machine Kamala The Ugandan Headhunter Kameroff, Ivan The Caribou Kane Big Red Machine Kanyon, Chris Champagne Kapitanopolis, Arthur Kappy Karadagian, Martin The Argentine Bull Karasick, Al Russian Lion, Gentleman Al Karlsson, Karl Krusher Kay, Rudy Butcher Boy Kazmaier, Bill Superkaz Keirn, Steve The Gator Kelly, Bob Cowboy Kelly, Kevin The California Hercules, Magnificent Kelly, Rick Mr. Wrestling Kent, Don Bulldog Kent, Jim Cashbox Kernodle, Don The Pride of the South Kilonis, John Gentle Kimberly Dirty White Girl Kim, Billy Funky King Kong Black Leopard King, Sonny Big Cat, Showboat King, Steve Strangler Kiniski, Gene Big Thunder, Canada’s Greatest Athlete Kirilinko, Leon Mad Russian Kollins, Mike The Grappling Greek Koloff, Dan Bulgarian Lion Koloff, Ivan Russian Bear Koloff, Nikita Russian Nightmare Koncur, Mike Iron Konnan K-Dogg Korman, Al Crusher Kostas, Johnny The Greek Adonis, Encyclopedia of Wrestling Kowalski, Stan The Big K Kowalski, Wladek Killer Krauser, Karol Polish Apollo Krone, John Doc Kwariani, Kola Nick the Wrestler Ladd, Ernie The Big Cat, The King of Wrestling LaDeaux, Gene Gorilla Laine, Frankie Cowboy Lambert, Jerry Bone Lancaster, Frankie The Thumper Landel, Buddy Nature Boy Langevin, Bob Legs Lanza, Jack Cowboy, Black La Parka The Chairman Lawler, Jerry The King, King of Memphis, King of Wrestling Layton, Athol The Lord of the Mat Layton, Chris Bruiser Lee, Brian Prime Time Lee, Don Daffy, Big Lee, Rocky Cowboy Lee, Stevie Sweet Lefebvre, Pierre Mad Dog Leone, Antone Ripper Leone, Michele Mad Mike Levy, Martin The Blimp Lewin, Mark Maniac, Purple Haze Lewis, Bill Big Lewis, Don Moose Lewis, Ed Strangler Lewis, Evans Strangler Lewis, Jesse Hillbilly Liger, Jushin Thunder Link, Rick Man Mountain Linow, Ivan Ivan the Terrible Lipscomb, Gene Big Daddy Little, Jimmy Gorgeous Lobman, Frank The Animal Lombardi, Steve Brooklyn Brawler Londos, Jim Greek Idol, Golden Greek Londos, Mike Golden Greek Long, Charles E. Chick Longson, Bill Wild Long, Teddy The Godfather of Professional Wrestling Long, Troy The All American Loos, Danny Globeville Adonis Louis, Joe The Brown Bomber Love, Chad Charming Love, Christopher Sweetness Lovranski, Dan The Mouth Luger, Lex Total Package, Narcissist Luttrall, Clarence Cowboy Lynn, Jerry The New F’n Show Lyons, Billy Red Macricostas, George Golden Greek Madden, Mark Smokey, The Best Looking Big Man on Television Mad Maxx The Chair Man Madril, Ahmed Terrible Turk Maggs, Joey Jumpin’ Mahalik, Art Boom Boom Maivia, Rocky Jr. The Rock Malcewicz, Joe Waffle Ears Malenko, Boris The Great Malenko, Professor Malenko, Dean Shooter, Man of 1000 Holds, Iceman Malone, Karl The Mailman Mann, Dale TNT Mansfield, Eddy The Continental Lover Mantell, Dutch Dirty Marconi, Frank Gorilla Marconi, Lou Beef Stew Marino, Steve The Italian Stallion Marlin, Don Farmer Marsh, Joe Tiger Marshall, Everette Blonde Bear Martel, Michele Mad Dog Martel, Rick The Model Martel, Sherri Sensational, Scary, Sensuous, Queen Martin, Steve Mr. Wildside Martinelli, Tony Clifton Cutie Martinez, Luis Arriba Mascaras, Mil The Man of 1000 Masks Massaro, Vincenzo Innovator Massey, Al Speed Mast, Mark Big Matrix, Ric Psycho Matthews, Joey The Future Mazurki, Mike Iron Mike McCarthy, Charles Red McClarity, Don The Laughing Boy McConnell, Ray Kansas Bulldog, Canadian Woodchopper McDonald, Jack Sockeye McGraw, Rick Quickdraw McKigney, David Canadian Wildman McMahon, Shane Gladiator McMahon, Stephanie Billion Dollar Princess McMichael, Steve Mongo McShain, Danny Dangerous Danny Melson, Frank The Tank Mercer, Marvin Atomic Marvin, Atomic Kick Mero, Marc Marvelous, Wildman Michaels, Shawn Heartbreak Kid, Icon, Showstopper Millar, Donall Supersmooth Miller, Bill Big Miller, Dan Dandy Miller, Ernest The Cat Miller, Jerry Duke, Gentleman Miller, Sebastian Swiss Strong Man Millich, Joe Shoeless Milliman, Jake Milkman Mills, Al Mr. Murder Mighty Atlas, The World’s Strongest Man Mighty Igor, The Polish Power Mikaloff, Ivan Ivan the Terrible Minton, Chip Mr. World Class Misnik, Tom Mr. ECW Mitchell, Guy The Stomper Mitchell, Jim Black Panther, The Panther, Cranium Cracker Mondt, Joe Toots, Mr. Wrestling Monroe, Sputnik The Brawler, Kansas Tornado Montague, Dick Cowboy Montana, Lenny Bull Montoya, Aldo Man O War Montoya, Don Dirty Moose Cholak Golden, Yukon Morelli, Al Cyclone Morelli, Tony Tough, Madman Morgan, Ben Big Morgan, David Tank Morgan, Donovan Future Legend Morgan, Jim The Blacksmith Morgan, J.T. The Spider Morgan, Toar Tennessee Tornado Mortier, Hans The Great Mosca, Angelo King Kong Mr. Moto The Bull Muhammad Ali The Greatest Muldoon, Haystack Original Hillbilly Muldoon, William Iron Duke, Solid Man Muraco, Don Magnificent, The Rock Murdoch, Dick Captain Redneck Myers, Hack Shah of ECW, Shah of Extreme Myers, Rick Loco Myers, Sonny Mr. Texas Nash, Kevin Big Sexy the Giant Killer, Big Sexy, K-Dogg Natale, Ernest Slugger Neidhart, Jim The Anvil Nelis, John Mr. Belgium Nelson, Bobby Clipper Boy Nelson, Chris Classy, Casanova Newman, Leo Lion, Leo the Lion Niemi, Ron Hardcore Giant Nolan, Bruce Legs Norton, Scott Flapjack Norton, Tommy Mr. Flex Oborsky, Colin H. The Golden Knight of Revere Odyssey, Ray Surfer Okerlund, Gene Mean Okpalla, Michael Power Mike Oliver, Rip Crippler Olson, Cliff Swede Orndorff, Paul Mr. Wonderful Ortega, Pedro Mr. Cuba Orth, Paul Tarzan Orton, Bob Jr. Cowboy, Battling Cowboy, Battling Orton, Bob Sr. Big O Otto, Matt Double O Outcast, The Human Hate Machine Page, Dallas Diamond Panny, Armond Mr. America Parente, Louis Hard Hat Louie Perez, Eduardo Argentinian Bull Parisi, Tony Cannonball, The Tenor Parker, Billy Gorilla Parker, Frank The Tank Parker, Jimmy Wildcat Patera, Ken Sheik Patterson, Pat Pretty Boy Patterson, Scott Bulldog Pearce, Adam Scrap Iron, Scrap Daddy Pencheff, George Bob Fitzsimmons of Wrestling Perez, Al The Latin Heartthrob Pesek, John Tiger Man, Man of 1001 Holds, Nebraska Tiger Man Peterson, Curtis Spike Pieri, Antonio Terrible Greek Pillman, Brian Flyin, Loose Cannon Pinto, Stanley Wildcat Piper, Roddy Rowdy Scot, Hot Rod Plugg, Thurman Spark Poddubny, Ivan Ivan the Terrible Poffo, Lanny Leaping Poisson, Gilles The Fish Powell, Dick Dixie Powers, Johnny Blond Adonis Priest, Eric The Underwear Model Prince Omar Whirling Dervish Pulaski, Stan Mad Russian Pullins, Calvin Princecc Putski, Ivan Polish Power Quackenbush, Mike Lightning Quartermain, Buck Iceman Race, Harley Handsome, Mad Dog Rain, Chris Punisher Raines, Dick Dirty Raitz, Jeff Rattlesnake Randall, Bill Sweet Daddy Rapada, Mike Colorado, Colorado Kid Rasputin, Ivan The Beard, Mad Russian Ratchet, Rik Nature Boy Ray, Jim Hippo Razor Ramon The Bad Guy Reed, Butch Hacksaw, The Natural Reed, Lex The Felon Reed, Ron Cowboy Regal, Steven Mr. Electricity, Lord, The Real Man’s Man Reign, Jayson State of the Art Remus, Bobby Bruiser Reynolds, Rocky Luscious God Rheingans, Brad The Amateur Rhino Man Beast Rhode, Herman Dutch Rhodes, Dustin The Natural, The Lone Star Rhodes, Dusty American Dream Ricci, Randy Rockin’ Richardson, Willie Da Bomb Rich, Freddie Prefered Stock Rich, Tommy Wildfire, Don Riddle, Rock Mr. Wonderful Roberts, Buddy Jack Roberts, Jake The Snake Roberts, Nicola The Lady Giant Roberts, Nick Wildman Roberts, Red Rowdy Robinson, Bob Cyclone Robley, Buck The Colonel Rocca, Antonino The Television Kid, Argentina Rocco Rock Flyboy Roche, Dorv Iron Man Rock, The Brahma Bull Rodman, Dennis Rodzilla, The Worm Rodz, Johnny Unpredictable Rogers, Buddy Blond Adonis, Atomic Blond, Nature Boy, Blond Devil Rogers, Rip Hustler Rogers, Sonny Lifeguard Romanoff, George Russian Wrecker Rose, Buddy Playboy, Richard Simmons of Wrestling Rose, Frankie The EMT Rose, Randy Ravishing Roselli, Mike Ironman Rosselli, Mike Olympian Rude, Rick Smooth Operator, Ravishing Rush, Jack Q-Ball Russell, Bob Rebel Russo, Vince Batman Ryan, Mike Red, Smiling Villain Sabrina The Wonder Girl of Wrestling Sabu The most Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal man in wrestling Sailor White Moondog Sakata, Harold Odd Job Sammartino, Bruno Living Legend Samoa, Tio Coconut Kid Samson, Mike Iron Sanders, Brett Bad Boy Sandman, The Hardcore Icon Santana, Tito Chico Santana, Willie Weeping Santos, Jose Kilroy Sapphire Sweet Savage, Leo Daniel Boone, Whiskers Savage, Randy Rotten, Macho Man, Macho King Savoldi, Angelo Granite Chin Savoldi, Joseph Jumpin’ Joe Sawyer, Buzz Mad Dog Sbraccia, Erich Suicide Schofro, Frank Bosco Schroll, Frankie Man of a 1000 Holds Schulz, David Dr. D Schwartz, Abe Knuckleball Scott, George The Great Scott Seecheck, Tom Terrible Severn, Dan The Beast Sexton, Frank The Sedalis Cyclone Sexton, Ricky Pretty Boy Shaft, Tom Boogaloo Shamrock, Ken World’s Most Dangerous Man, Leader of the Lion’s Den Sharpe, Ben Big Sharpe, Larry Pretty Boy Sharpe, Mike Iron Shire, Roy Professor Shultz, David Redneck, Dr. D Sierra, Fidel Cuban Assassin Simmons, Ron All American Simpson, Catherine The Great Singh, Joginder Tiger Singh, Nanjo Mad Hindu Singh, Rhonda Monster Ripper Skoaland, Arnold Golden Boy Slater, Dick Unpredictable, Diry Slatton, Don The Lawman Slave Girl Moolah Little Wildcat Slick Doctor of Style, Reverend Smiley, Norman Screamin’ Smith, Bison Baby Bull Smith, Davey Boy British Bulldog Smith, Harry Georgia Boy Smith, Jimmy Rocky Smooth, Chuck E. Britany Spears’ Boyfriend, Creative Genius of Pro Wrestling Snow, Al Simply Sensational Snow, Mitch Jammin’ Snuka, Jimmy Superfly Solie, Gordon The Dean of Professional Wrestling, The Walter Cronkite of Professional Wrestling Somers, Doug Pretty Boy Somers, Shane Showtime Song, Pak Korean Killer Sonnenberg, Gus Dynamite South, George Gorgeous Spicolli, Louie Cutie Pie Spinks, Leon Neon Leon Stalin, Joe Russian Bear Stanlee, Gene Glamour Kid, Chicago Adonis, Golden Apollo, Mr. America Starks, Frankie Mr. Adonis Star, Michael The L.A. Connection Stasiak, Stan The Man, Crusher Steamboat, Rick Steamer, The Dragon Steele, George The Animal Steele, Jake The Real Deal Steele, Jim Iron Man, Jungle Steel, Rod Miami Pound Machine Steiner, Rick Dogfaced Gremlin Steiner, Scott Master of the Frankensteiner, Big Poppa Pump, White Thunder, Big Bad Booty Daddy, Genetic Freak Steinke, Hans German Oak Stern, Ray Thunder Stevens, L.A. The Lunatic Stevens, Ray Crippler Stewart, Jonnie Illustrious Stewart, Nell Little Nell, Nasty Sting Stinger Stojack, Frank King of Wrestling Stone, Tom Rocky Storm, Devon Dangerous, The Dangerous One Stovall, Mark Outlaw Strode, Woody Goliath Strong, Steve Superstar Strongbow, Jules Ghost Dancer Studd, John Big Studd, Ron TCW Giant Sullivan, Dave Evad Sullivan, Ernie Outlaw Sullivan, Kevin Prince of Darkness, Games Master Sullivan, Mike Iron, Marvelous Sullivan, John L. Roxbury Strong Boy Super Crazy Insane Luchadore Sutton, Ronnie Silver Bullet Sweetan, Bob Bruiser, Mr. Piledriver Tajiri, Yoshihiro Japanese Buzzsaw Talun, Wladislaw Iron Tatum, John Hollywood Taylor, Allan Ace Taylor, Brad Boy Toy Taylor, Greg Gentleman Taylor, Terry The Taylor Made Man Taz The Human Suplex Machine Tenay, Mike The Professor Tennant, O.L. Dutch, The Flying Dutchman Terry, Jack The Hatchet Man, Judo Thesz, Lou Babe Ruth of Wrestling, Iron Man Thomas, Art Seaman, Sailor Thomas, Shag King Toby Tillet, Maurice The Angel Tillet, Louie King Timbs, Ken Gentleman, Mr. Class Todd, Ernie Big Kahuna Tolos, John Golden Greek Tolos, Mike The Greek Torres, Enrique Jack the Giant Killer Townsend, Frank Farmer Boy Tucker, Al Dragon, Gentleman Tyler, Buzz Avalanche Uecker, Bob Mr. Baseball Unger, Daffney Scream Queen Vachon, Maurice Mad Dog Vachon, Paul Butcher Vadalfi, Oreste Spanish Bone Crusher Vader Mastadon Valentine, Greg The Hammer Valentine, Johnny Blond Bombshell Valiant, Jimmy Boogie Woogie Man, Handsome Valiant, Johnny Luscious Van Dam, Rob Mr. Monday Night, The Whole F****** Show, R.V.D. Venis, Val The Pornstar Ventura, Jesse The Body, The Mind Verdi, Antonio Count Vicious, Sid Psycho, The Original Psycho, Y2S Von Erich, Fritz The Claw Von Erich, Kerry Modern-Day Warrior, Texas Tornado Wagner, Bob Strangler Walcott, Joe Jersey Walge, Art Dreamboat Walker, Bobby Hard Work Walker, Lenn Shootfighter Wall, Evelyn The Texas Terror Wampler, Earl Pappy Wanz, Otto King Ware, Koko B. Birdman Washburn, Jack Little Watson, Billy Whipper, Canadian Colossus Watts, Bill Cowboy Weathley, Robert Hercules Weaver, Johnny Ace Webb, Johnny White Trash Wells, George Master G Whatley, Pez Pistol White, Bill Rebel White, Ed Bull, Strangler White, Leon Bull Power Wiggins, Elmer The Great Williams, Al Gangster Williams, Dale Playboy Williams, Doug The Anarchist Williams, Steve Dr. Death Wilson, Dan The Dragon Wilson, George Wildcat Windsor, Adam The Royal Stud of Royal Blood Wiskoski, Ed Easy Woodruff, Gil Gator Woodworth, Gil Gator Man Wray, Jim Hippo Wrenn, Scottie Ticking Time Bomb Wright, Alex Das Wunderkind Wright, Jim Frankenstein, Riot Call Wright, Rube Killer Youngblood, Chris Medicine Man Yukon Eric King of the Arctic Yumed, Ali The Terrible Turk Zaharias, Chris Pueblo Meanie Zaharias, George Wild Goat of the Rockies, Cry Baby Zaharias, Gus Babe Zaharias, Tom Bad Boy, Terrible Zaikin, Ivan Strongest Man in the World Zbyszko, Larry Living Legend Zbyszko, Wladek Young Zbyszko Zeke, Tugger Tennessee Hillbilly Zenk, Tom Z-Man Zeus The Human Wrecking Machine Zim, Bill Wild Zumhofe, Buck Rock and Roll The Baillargeon Brothers were collectively known as the “Strongest Family in the World.” The Fabulous Freebirds were known as the “Greatest Rock ‘n’ Roll Band of All-Time.” The Insane Clown Posse are known as “I.C.P.” The Southern Boys were known as the “Wild-eyed Southern Boys.” The Zaharias Clan is collectively known as the “Cripple Creek Terrors.” Research by Tim Hornbaker |
Wrestler Nicknames |