For their contributions to this website, Tim Hornbaker would like to thank:

Don Luce, J Michael Kenyon, Haruo Yamaguchi, Mark Hewitt, Steve Yohe, Jim
Melby, Dan Anderson, Scott Teal, Tom Burke, Kit Bauman, Koji Miyamoto, Libnan
Ayoub, Steve Johnson, Greg Oliver, George Lentz, Mark Weitz, Becky Taylor,
Wayne Sine, James Cameron, Jim Zordani, Geoff Pesek,  Hisaharu Tanabe, Brian
Westcott, Jim Mandl, Ronald Grosspietsch, Ray Plunkett

Also a big thanks to Dr. Mike Lano for allowing me to feature his amazing wrestling
photography.  Contact him at

A special thanks to Melissa Hornbaker for the banner art.

If you are interested in contributing to the wrestling history on this website, please
contact me at
Legacy of Wrestling Contributors